Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Well, it seems that I will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Of course, I have already started it. I cooked the ham and am mixing all the other stuff up so all I will have to do is put them in the oven tomorrow. This is going to be a good Thanksgiving. I

I had thought that I would just ignore it this year, since my older son still has not moved out of my house and I am still at Leslie's. Leslie and my youngest son do not care for each other, so, I was going to get Phil and the two of us were going to hang out. Then, today, Leslie asked me if I wanted to do Thanksgiving here. Then said that since Phil has made significant effort the past few months it is time to let all that silliness go. Amazing. This has only taken six years. I sometimes wonder who the adult was in all this dumbness.

So, tomorrow we (Leslie, Phil, Mike, Jamie, Reese and moi) to turkey and dressing (not stuffing) ham, sweet potatoe casserole, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy (if the gravy god decides to bless me) rolls and sweet tea. With apple pie, pecan pie and cherry pie, (all either bought or with bought filling and frozen pie crusts, I am not sadistic).

I pray you each have a blessed day and that we all remember why we should be thankful. And, go hug someone you have been on the outs with.

1 comment:

Jo-Momma said...

I was going to say, no turkey, until I got to the part about the turkey. Our dinners will be quite similar, as a good southern person dressing is essential. I was raised on dressing and not stuffing. You know there are people that don't know the difference and they are nowhere near the same thing. Pops always liked stuffing, as does Luke. We'd all leave the stuffing to them. Wow, that's hard to face tomorrow. Sounds like y'all are going to have some fun. God bless, Jo