Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Whatever happened to anticipation? Remember dreaming of a first date? A first kiss? First car? Seems nowadays no one waits for anything anymore. No one gets to experience the thrill of anticipation. It's all gimme now! Twelve year olds are dating, dressed to look as if they are twenty. Kids used to get a car when they graduated. Now they get one as soon as they learn to drive and pass the driver's test. And what is with 'friends with benefits'?

I had a long discussion with a co-worker several years ago. She said that she believed spirituality is what is missing and causing children to react or act out the way they do. At the time, I said that it was a lack accountability, that children aren’t made to be responsible for their actions. I still believe this, but I also think it is the constant feeling of wanting more and bigger things. Instead of allowing a child to enjoy the anticipation, things are given too soon. Children are also being robbed of truly appreciating and enjoying the gift or their stage in life.

Remember how it felt to anticipate? Why not let our children feel that also. What is so wrong with making a child wait for the next step in growing up?

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