Friday, November 25, 2005

Thanksgiving aftermath

Well, Thanksgiving is over for another year. I am still recovering from eating more than I should. I won't eat like this again till Christmas dinner. Then will spend the time till next Thanksgiving dieting.

Today I bought most of the gifts that I am giving over the computer. I love it. My youngest daughter and I have a few things in common. One of those being that we don't like crowds. We agreed that the internet is the best thing for agoraphobics. It allows them to function without leaving home.

Hope everyone's holidays are blessed and safe.

1 comment:

Jo-Momma said...

Hey, glad you made it through thanksgiving. I woke up and weighed myself that morning. I had lost 7 pounds over the prior week (unprecidented weightloss for me) and wanted to go light. I weighed myself this morning and only put 3 back on, so kept just eating light today. I was dumb enough to get suckered out to the stores today too. I did end up with a new sewing machine out of the deal, but man was it crazy!
God bless, Jo