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Grabbos come calling
For the past month I have been staying at a friend's house. This is an older house that she bought the month before Katrina. It has all the old house moanings and groanings that I have not paid any attention to....till tonight. My friend went away for the weekend and I am here with just Gumbo. Everything all nice and cozy until I go to bed. I make sure all the doors and windows are locked (but I do this every night anyway) and then me and Gumbo go to bed. Less than five minutes later I hear a crash. At first I say to Gumbo that it is just a possum or squirrel on the patio. Then, the 'are you suuuuuurrrrrreeeee-s' start. So, I get up and creep around the house looking for grabbos. Nothing. I walked all through the house again, still nothing. So, I tell Gumbo what a silly dog he is and head back to the bedroom. Then I see it. There on the living room floor is one of my grandson's toys. It had fallen from the wagon and made the crashing noise. Ok, that was easy, so back to bed I go. Till I ask Gumbo how exactly did that toy fall to the floor. Maybe someone..........or THING.......bumped the wagon and made it fall.
Now I am beginning to get a tad bit scared. I have no weapons. No gun or anything like that. The phone is in the kitchen, so I couldn't call for help unless I made it past causing the noise. Finally, I go into my friend's room and take a knife that she has left over from her other life and open it. Holding this I creep out into the hallway and make it to the kitchen to get the phone and then see the super-duper bug gun she has. This is a bug spray that you can pump up till it spews out at least six feet across the room. Great! So, I take the knife, phone and bugspray into my room and fix them all within easy reach and go back to bed. (What will I use the bugspray for? Crazy, to shoot the Grabbos in the eye so I can make a run for it.)
An hour and a half later Gumbo wakes me up to let him out. Still no sign of anyone. But that is how those grabbos work. You never see them until the have you and by then it is way too late.
I am going to go spend the night with my daughter next time.
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