Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Well, dang. I wrote a post last night and when I was ready to post it, I lost internet connection. It was a good one too. It was all about Do As I Say, Not as I Do, by Peter Schweizer. I read most of it yesterday and am totally disgusted at the hypocrisy of the people he 'exposed'. Not disappointed, because I did not listen to them.......well, take heed of what they said anyway.....but, still.... Anyway, I do think people should read it.

I also gave the receipe for making poo. That is, for making fake poo. It looks like the real thing. I will tell you sometime about when I made some at work one slow day and then put it into the mopbucket of a totally AR guy who worked in housekeeping. Took him awhile to get over that one. But, we were always do practical joke type things to each other. I don't recall his getting me back for that one though.

What do you do when people, adults, you like and respect are in a feud? And, you can't think of anything to make them stop? It is sad that this is going on.

Ok, got to go get tickets for the new Harry Potter movie. If I go now I won't have to stand in line Friday.

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