Monday, November 07, 2005

Yeah, well we all get this way sometimes.........

There it is folks. Anytime you can't sleep or the world is being to demanding or just plain mean, go to that link and have some fun. It helps to clear your mind so you can think straight and deal with the things you need to think about. It works, trust me.

I am finally figuring out how to use all the neat little things blogspot has for us to use. Like the link maker. It is just too neat. Gonna play around with things and see what I come up with.

I did a salt water cleanse this morning and I must say, cleanse it did. I thought I would be cleanseing for the rest of the day. I feel better, but I don't know if it from the cleanse or just that I am out of the bathroom. Leslie told me to start writing down all the weird things I do so she will know what to tell the EMTs when she has to call them. I found this cleanse in the Master Cleanser book so I knew it was safe.

Ok. enough for now. Will try to get back here later.

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