Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I have been saying that I need to get out and walk more. I need to get in shape for that. My knees are horrible, they hurt when I have walked a lot. I decided that I need to get out each day and walk for about thirty minutes. Of course, I haven't done that yet.

Today, I took my youngest grandson, Reese, to the Baton Rouge Zoo. Whatever possessed me to go at noon? It was hot and muggy and overcast. And, it got hotter. Reese was fine. He was in his stroller and had his juice in a sippy cup next to him. I was pushing that stroller. He liked the elephants, monkeys and turtles. But, did not care for the parrots, they screeched way too loud. We went through the aquarium and then I sat on a bench for a while to rest up, while Reese looked at the ducks. I was sitting there, trying to get cool and to catch my breath when I started thinking about where this zoo is. Baton Rouge. Near swamps. Close to the Mississippi River. Then, I looked around at all trees and shrubs and the signs saying this is NOT an exhibit area, and wondered just what might come crawling out of those woods. I think I could handle anything but a snake. Not that I would pick something up.......I mean, if an alligator came strolling out, Reese would have gotten the ride of his life.

We had french fries and cokes at the refreshment stand and then walked around a bit more. It was so hot! It started clouding up and sprinkling to rain, and I could not figure out where the exit was. Finally, I found someone who pointed us in the right direction. We stopped in the gift shop, of course, and then made it to the car. I sat there for about ten minutes with the A/C blasting out at me. Reese was asleep again.

This evening, I was on the couch with a coke and Reese was playing. He looked at me and then at the coke and then looked at his daddy and said 'juice'. Jamie got him juice and Reese walked over to where I was and handed it to me with a 'heh'. I took it and he reached for my coke. He was TRADING me his juice for my coke. Smart little bugger. He got all upset when I did not trade with him.

Gumbo freaked when I did not let him go to the zoo with us. He is so pitiful. I am thinking of leaving him with Phil for the winter. But, I don't know for sure yet.

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