Saturday, August 27, 2005

Just stuff.........

It's been a long time since I have written here. I wish I could say that it is because I have been busy writing, but, no, I haven't been.

I am staying a few weeks with my youngest daughter. Her son is seventeen months old and I am trying my best to spoil him. It isn't hard to do, he is so sweet. I am going to miss them when I go back to Michigan. I am praying that soon both my daughters will be living closer to me and to each other.

My daughter's husband, Jamie, is gone for his 'man weekend'. He and my youngest son and several of my son-in-law's friends have a fantasy football league. Each year they meet for the 'draft' and to just be silly.

So, since it is just my daughter, her son and me here for a few days, we have been talking and reading and watching movies. Last night and tonight we watched Gone With The Wind for the umpteenth time. And, I have started re-reading the Little House books. I was thinking this morning that I tend to read these simpler books whenever the stress level in my life rises. I read To Kill A Mockingbird a week or so ago, and then started the Little House books day before yesterday. It's funny how these simple books calm me.

I also finished an afghan that I have been making for a friend. Now I just need to get it to the UPs store and get it on the way to Australia. Today I picked up some thread and a couple of patterns. I will make a couple of things for Christmas. I have joined a crocheting club where patterns are exchanged. Sounds old-maidish, I know, but I enjoy it.

Remember 'Happenings"? FYI, Happenings were just spontaneous parties that would pop up anywhere. In a park, on the beach, anywhere. All you needed was some people who wanted to have fun. Sad that we can no longer do anything like that.

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