Thursday, July 28, 2005

To you-know-who-you-are

If anyone is or has been reading this blog, they will know that I am a former Jehovah's Witness. I have a couple of discussion/support boards where we discuss and post information about JWs. I also belong to a few other boards and email groups about JWs. But, I do things in my real life too. Not bragging, just telling you this by way of explanation.

See, there are a couple......four or five.......exJWs who do not like me. Which is fine because I do not like them either. I am on Paltalk a lot and so are they, but I stay out of their rooms and if I go into a room they are in, I place them on ignore. Because, frankly, they have nothing to say that I want to hear. And, I would expect them to do the would think so, huh? But, no, they don't. I will go into a chatroom and shortly afterwards, here comes one or more of them. I was in a silly mood one day and went all over the Christian section, then to Social Issues and finally to Meet New Friends. And, within five or ten minutes the same person came into the room I was in. Can we say childish?

These people have found out about a friend of mine who is transgendered and think it is bothering me to come into a room that I am in and start talking about it. Most of the time I don't see it, because, if I am using my main (blue) nick 'ticatoo' I have them on ignore. And, if I am using my Scrabble nick 'Tequila Mockingbird', then I am not reading text. They do have several nicks though and I have to keep putting each new nick on ignore, but, it is easy to do.

Now, why am I talking about this? Well, I KNOW they read this blog. So, I can tell them what I think here and keep it just ME, not bring friends into it. If I answered them on any of my discussion boards, that would distract from what we are trying to do.

So, here I go......

Dear you-know-who-you-are,

Let me ask you. Is a liar an abomination to God? Is an adulterer? What about a fornicator, or someone who slanders?

Or, do you maybe think that one sin is worse than another? If so, do you also believe there are different degrees of punishments? Or, maybe, levels of hell? Will there be sections for liars, adulterers or fornicators? Will there be one place for the homosexuals and another for fornicators? A thief will be among other thieves? What about someone who covets?

Seems to me that with all the finger pointing, someone is frantically trying to cover their own sins. Maybe you can keep your sins from being noticed, for now. Or, maybe you think your sin is not an abomination. But, you know what? No one is sinless, not one. ALL sin is an abomination.

So, if I am offensive to you, then you have an easy choice to make. Stop obsessively reading the AWOKE! board. Stop stalking me in chatrooms.

And, remember, a lot of people have very good memories. They remember how you have talked about your life and the things you said, not things someone said about you. YOU, my dear, do not have any room to talk about what anyone else is doing.

Now, maybe we can go on to something else. I will anyway. These people do not stop me from doing what I believe that I should be doing. These people have not made any one of my friends stop speaking to me. These people can do and say what they want, because they are such hypocritical twits that I have no respect for them.

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