Saturday, July 23, 2005

Bis and pieces.....

This is just a bunch of bits and pieces, nothing worth much of anything….of anything here is. This week has been pretty slow. Still getting my things unpacked and sorted. Today my daughter brought over the latest Harry Potter (don’t bother, I KNOW it is fantasy, and DO NOT think it is evil). I pre-ordered two of them, one for my daughter in Michigan and one for my daughter in Louisiana. I figured that I would be at one or the other of them when they came in. But, I was here in Biloxi so I had to wait on it. My daughters have finished it and are waiting on me to read it so that we can discuss it. Apparently someone they both like gets killed or something because they are both saying they cannot believe SHE did that! I will read it this weekend and then we will spend Monday talking about it.

As soon as I get back from Utah next month I will be leaving for yet another winter in Michigan. I love my daughter and I love my grandsons, but I sure wish they lived closer so that I can live here and help her. But, it will only be for another winter and she will be done with school and then will be able to get a better job. Hopefully, she will also be able to move here which she has wanted to do since she left. Bless her heart.

My son, Philip, has gotten his funding for another year at Auburn. And, thank God for that. I am not sure if he would have survived not going there again. Auburn is a good school, and I was surprised to find out that their History Department is ranked very high in the standings. Phil is a history major and wants to go on to law school. He said that he wants to start a law firm with Jamie (his brother-in-law) and call it……..are you ready???? The Brothers-in-LAW. I don’t think they will use that name, and, besides, who knows for sure if Phil will go to law school. At one time he was sure he wanted to be a doctor. And, then there was the short time he wanted to be a sanitation worker. He stills gets red over that one.

All in all, my life right now is exceptionally good. My family is safe and happy. My friends are true and dear. I truly have been blessed.

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