Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Tuesday with the adjuster

Well, I have been lazing around here watching old movies on TCM. Sunday it was Abbott and Costello (slowly I turn, step by step). And, Saturday my daughter, Michael, and I watched Arsenic and Old Lace. Last night was Alfred Hitchcock night......well, it is Hitchcock all week. His movies are just not scary to me. Never have been. But, I like to watch them. Michael and I want to try to find a 'haunted' house or maybe a graveyard to walk through at night. We will have to sedate her husband, he is such a wimp about things like that. He has yet to watch the Exorcist....which I think is not scary at all. We are thinking of planning something for when my older daughter, Connie, and the boys come down for Christmas. It should be fun. But, Jamie (Mike's husband) and Nick (my oldest grandson) will have to be tricked into going with us where ever we go.

I finally met with my insurance adjuster today. I will finally be able to fix my roof. David (my oldest son) had taken pictures of my house and yard the day after the hurricane. I had not seen them before. When I was finally able to get from Baton Rouge to Gulfport to see about my house, David had already cleaned things up a lot. It was a bit of a shock to see the pictures. And, I am glad that I did not see the actual damage. Anyway, now I wait for the insurance check.

Speaking of insurance, I have heard some horror tales. My youngest son ( Philip) told me that his best friend's father is having to sue one of his insurance companies. They lived a block from the beach and had an attic left. Literally. All that was left on the property was the attic. They had flood insurance and had no trouble with that company. But, they also had wind and hail insurance with a different company. That company told them that their house did not receive wind damage, just water damage. This seems to be happening to a lot of people. One lady (she lives next door to my friend Leslie) was told by her insurance company that her roof was old, and that is why there was a six foot wide hole in the middle of it after Katrina. This is sad. If you have a mortgage, you have to have insurance. And, it is not cheap. But, when you need to file a claim, you are treated as if you caused the problem. My husband's brother was a CPA and had no insurance. He said it is a racket and that people come out better by putting the premiums in the bank for themselves. But, of course, the only way to not have insurance is to buy your house for cash or pay it off as soon as you can and then, stop the insurance.

I have been working on some Christmas things. I will be in Gulfport for Christmas and all my Christmas things are in Michigan. So, I have been making angels and snowflakes, etc. Just call me granny.

1 comment:

Jo-Momma said...

OK, Granny, lol. Glad to see you finally caught up with the guy. Sad to hear about how insurance is giving y'all the royal run around. Wanted to let you know we are equally wierd. Anyway, ttfn.
God bless, Jo