Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Rednecks anyone??

It seems to me that people have become so politically correct they will not speak out against what is happening in our society. Maybe it is because they are too afraid to be thought of as ignorant racists that they will not stand up to the Islamic propaganda, the militant gay agenda, and just the general deterioration of morals in our country. The fear of being called narrow-minded is keeping good people quiet at a time when good people are needed to stand up and stand firm for God and morals. It has become a joke to be a proud American. To say that you are a Christian opens you up to laughter and ridicule. Ugly people like Bill Maher are given a platform for their obscene denigration of God. It is ok to idolize Bill Clinton, even after we all learned that he is a liar and an adulterer. Our military is called thugs and worse by elected officials on the floor of congress.

Anyone who does speak up is immediately branded a redneck. But, like the song says, 'what this world needs is a few more rednecks'.

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