Thursday, January 26, 2006


According to this article, a muslim can pray in school. And, Christians can't? Has political correctness gone totally absurd?

The school my children attended had prayer, even though someone could have complained and a few teachers and administrators could have gotten in trouble, but, that never stopped anyone. One of the most touching moments I experienced happened on the evening of 9/11. My youngest son played flute in the highschool band and also played on the football team. That evening the fire dept. brought over a ladder truck and hung a huge American Flag from it. Then, the two teams walked out onto the field and instead of stopping on each side, they walked out into the middle of the field. They joined hands and bowed their heads. Then, a local pastor asked everyone in the stands to stand, and prayed. He asked for peace and that we should be free of fear. That was the end of a long day and I had thought I was cried out. I wasn't. I was so proud of those boys standing there with their heads bowed, and seeing my flag gently waving.

I think it is time we, as Christians, should put aside our doctrinal differences and take back out country.

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