Sunday, February 04, 2007


First, the Justice for Kirsty link over on the sidebar. Please click on it and do whatever you can to help her family find out what happened and who the real culprit is. And, most importantly, bring him to justice.

Well, I suppose there isn't going to be a second tonight. I do want to begin posting more regularly and hopefully I will. I tried to setup a myspace page, and good lord the mess I made. Then, when I went over to forums.....where you are sent for help.....I find that I have to be a member for seven days before I can post there. So, as of now my page is dumb looking and what I want on there is not on there. Well, there are two Shane MacGowan's linked to me. I found the pages when I was looking through the site and clicked to be added to both. And, I was. Not sure which is the real one. Maybe neither.

Watched If I Should Fall From Grace With God today. Liked it.

I want to try to add a music link to this blog and change music weekly or more often.

Ok, it is cold here and Gumbo is looking too pitiful so I suppose I will turn on my audiobook and crawl....not literally....into bed.

Sweet dreams

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