Friday, February 09, 2007


I have been writing a lot. Not here, obviously, but have been working on a story. I was talking to a friend and she said that her therapist suggested that she try journaling, but she thinks it is a bad idea. So, I took that idea and am writing a story as if I am the patient who was told to journal. I am having fun with it, but, it is causing me to remember some things I would rather forget.

I finally found Bro O2. I signed up for a myspace page just so I could message him. He is such a talented kid. And, of course there is Shane. I loved to listen to his music while I am writing or, well, actually, doing anything.

And, I have decided to give cafepress another try. I am doing things a tad bit differently this time around. I also bought a new digital camera, which I honestly could not afford, but, hey, if I waited till I could afford things I would never get anything. This is a video, digital camera and cam for the computer, plus has an mp3 player. Guess what I will add to the mp3??

I have been tossing an idea for a video around for a while now. I am going to try to make it. It will involve puppets, hand-type puppets.

Ok, sweet dreams everyone.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


First, the Justice for Kirsty link over on the sidebar. Please click on it and do whatever you can to help her family find out what happened and who the real culprit is. And, most importantly, bring him to justice.

Well, I suppose there isn't going to be a second tonight. I do want to begin posting more regularly and hopefully I will. I tried to setup a myspace page, and good lord the mess I made. Then, when I went over to forums.....where you are sent for help.....I find that I have to be a member for seven days before I can post there. So, as of now my page is dumb looking and what I want on there is not on there. Well, there are two Shane MacGowan's linked to me. I found the pages when I was looking through the site and clicked to be added to both. And, I was. Not sure which is the real one. Maybe neither.

Watched If I Should Fall From Grace With God today. Liked it.

I want to try to add a music link to this blog and change music weekly or more often.

Ok, it is cold here and Gumbo is looking too pitiful so I suppose I will turn on my audiobook and crawl....not literally....into bed.

Sweet dreams

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's me again, Ethel....

Well, here I go again. This time the crazy gene put up a good fight but....I won the battle again. I am just afraid that I will win the battles but lose the war.

Not much news to talk about with me. I am keeping my youngest grandson while my daughter is in school. That is a hoot. Reese is so smart. I know, I know, but he is really. He is two years old and knows all the colors, ABCs, recognizes his name when I write it amd can count to 20. He surprises me every day. They were over for a bit yesterday. Reese stayed with me while Mike went to a welcome home party for one of her old friends. Reese and I were out front and he saw some other kids riding thei bikes in the street, so he wanted to go out there. He has this old pink buggy thing that he loves to push around. So, he takes it out into the street and runs up and down pushing it. I was with him and after a few minutes I said something about him making me exercise. He gave me a big grin and then turned around an took off down the street. I was fairly close behind him when he looked over his shoulder and said...'pma, you hineing me?'....So now we are all saying that we are 'hineing' someone when we are behind them. (Sounds odd, now that I think of it) A mocking bird flew down and landed on a telephone wire across the street and started singing. Reese stopped and looked at the bird for a few minutes, then asked me if I heard the 'knocking' bird. Mike said she didn't know that he knew a mockingbird from any others.

No, I won't be spending all my time talking about Reese, even though I could. I am startng back with my exercising and dieting. The diet was mainly for lowering my cholesterol, but I have lost 30 some odd pounds and no feel like keeping on till I get to 130.

I am also signed up for guitar lessons....boy howdy! I will play Wildwood Flower on PT or Stickam one night soon.

I have been listening to the Pogues and Tom Waits a lot. I had stopped listening to music for some reason. Tom Waits has a song, Broken Bicycles, that makes me tear up every time I hear it. He is so good. He is such a visual artist. I mean, it isn't just the music. It isn't just him standing in front of a mic and singing. He puts all of himself into the songs. And, the Pogues...well, Shane McGowan is the only sexy, no front tooth man I have ever seen. I will try to find a picture of him to post below so ya'll can see what I mean. Ok, so the pic is on top there.

Ok, ya'll. Sweet dreams for the dreamers and peace for everyone else.