Saturday, April 29, 2006

What's in a name.....

Well, this has certainly been an interesting night on Paltalk. I was sitting in a chatroom minding my business, listening to the discussion when I got a pm from someone I don't know, but have seen in rooms. He is a Jewish man who apparently hates Christians for daring to say that the OT prophets prophesied the coming of Christ. He asked me if I would answer a question or be like most Christians and get mad and ignore him. So, I decide to try to understand his view and told him that I would try to answer his questions. Then, I asked this.....'Why do you, as a Jew, care what I believe.'....he came unglued and cussed me out. He used extremely vulgar and offensive terms and then denied that he had done so. I tried to talk with him and for awhile I thought it was working, but then he began all over with his questions (which I tried to answer) and his cussing. I finally told him that we were going in circles and that I was tired of his offensive manner in talking to me. He then told me I was a coward. I just agreed and ignored him.

Thing is, I have never heard anyone who is Jewish being offended by being called a Jew. He wants to be known as Hebrew, which I had no problem with using. But, when I told him that I did not know that word was offensive, he told me that I probably did know and used it anyway. There was no compromise with him. He did not try to treat me with an ounce of common courtesy. And, he was offended when I told him that I was no longer going to respond to his pm and said, 'God bless'. He told me I had no authority to bless him. I pointed out that I only wanted God to bless him. Nothing worked with him. So, I finally gave it up. I was surprised when he said he preferred muslims to Christians. He said that he lived among them and they did not lie about his book. Well, I pray those muslims don't decide to visit him one day with a bomb or big ole knife.

It takes all kinds I guess.

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